In The Future

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Our newest short film “In The Future,” is now live on Sundance Ignite’s ‘What’s Next?’ competition website. Please click here to watch and share the film.  Five directors will be selected to receive a year-long fellowship with Sundance’s new Ignite program. With your help, I could be one them. Thank you for your support, moonflowers!

*UPDATE: “In The Future” has been selected a winner of Sundance’s Ignite Competition. Congratulations to the cast and crew. Read the announcement of the finalists here.
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Written and directed by Courtney Jines. Starring Wendy McColm. Created especially for Sundance Ignite’s “What’s Next?” competition. Written in one weekend, shot in one day, edited in one week with a total budget of $300.

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#SundanceIgnite #InTheFuture